Saturday, January 25, 2020

Moving violation? / 'A partisan ploy' / Abortion and the 1st

Moving violation? The Utah Tax Commission is wrestling with a complaint that “DEPORTM” runs afoul of rules forbidding vanity license plates that “express contempt, ridicule or superiority of a race, religion, deity, ethnic heritage, gender, or political affiliation.”
Lawmakers are investigating, too.
• Letter to the editor of The Salt Lake Tribune: “Freedom of speech is meaningful only if it includes the freedom to offend.”

‘A partisan ploy.’ Benjamin P. Marcus of the Freedom Forum Institute: “It’s time we stop reducing complex questions of religion and education to political debates about prayer.”Snopes gives a False rating to the claim that President Trump has “returned prayer” to public schools.

‘Kids need their rights to speak up.’ Fifty years after a historic Supreme Court ruling that the First Amendment applies to students, the woman at the heart of the case when she was 13 told University of Virginia law students that the right to free speech is often still denied to children of color.• State lawmakers are considering a law that would force University of Wisconsin campuses to discipline students who disrupt public speeches.

Abortion and the First Amendment. The CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women says of the historic Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion: “We should be celebrating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We should not have to be fighting to uphold it.”• U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos compares being pro-choice to supporting slavery.
• Opponents to a Nebraska bill to further limit abortions: “It is no accident that the first 11 words of the First Amendment … deal with religion.”
• Trump became the first sitting president to speak at the annual anti-abortion March for Life.